Dear reader (hi mom)!

It´s me, Jonna Mannila, a Finnish creative writer and a professional ex-photographer. As Tajuton Kirjoittaja I hate lorem ipsum and I love to keep it real. I also like to pick a fight every now and then but always for a good reason (and only with nice people with muscles small enough). I often think consensus (that lovely swedish decision-making method)  is the best way to do great stuff.  

As a passionate all-round creative, I  do it it everywhere. Screenwriting, toilet signs, novels, short or long stories, skipping words, online writing, transcreation, re-writing, social media content, call to action, direct marketing and creating unique tones of voice in all shades, you name it!

For me, writing is design and good writing is good design. My background is in arts,  I´m officially Master of Arts from Aalto University. If you ask me, even the smallest button deserves a couple of nice letters on it!

My way of working: stay as lean as possible and stick to deadlines. But then there is this thing called change which is constant. As an ex-sailing mom I know that you can ́t direct the wind but what you can do is adjust the sails and still reach your destination! If there is no wind at all just let your ideas flow. 

My neck hates typing but writing makes the rest of my body happy so I just keep going. If you need a happy writer with a pair of angry shoulders, just send me a note (mom, I do the dishes tomorrow!)



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